Wednesday, June 20

Mostly just rambling about this weekend.

Dear Diary,

There was a brief moment of excitement tonight when I was at Sportz Outdoorz and ran into a fellow Outlaw Debi, who told me I was listed as a participant in the Buffalo Springs 70.3 this weekend. I was supposed to be signed up for the sprint.

I was there to purchase a two-piece swimsuit, which I will probably stuff in the back of a drawer, because even though Sweet Baboo never stops telling me I'm FABULOUS, and I practice telling myself lots of positive things, the tiny evil voice still whispers. Oh, how it whispers.
You know the whispers different things to different people. In my case, it whispers things like, "C'mon, you're 42. You've had THREE KIDS. You can't wear a two-piece. You're the antithesis of 'firm'. It's not BIkini for you; it's TANKini, and that's just the way it is. "
And, since I can't airbrush my body in real life or photoshop it before going out in public, there it is. Love it or leave it. But anyway. I bought the damned thing. That's a start.

So anyway, I was signed up for a 70.3. I was all like, should I do it? should I do it? Sweet Baboo, of course, was like, "Hell, yeah, you could do it!" Because he thinks I'm wonderful and brave and can do anything, or else he's just very supportive, and, oh, heck, does it even MATTER why he said that? Even as I sucked down more fluids in order to make up for the dehydration of my 24-hour flu I was contemplating everything I knew about the course.

Two 70.3 races in one month. Hmmmm. Is that a reasonable thing to contemplate?

Finally, the question was put to the Jimmy, my coach, and he kind of sucked air through his teeth and then (and this is what I love about the man, his honesty) set about explaining as gently as possible why I should NOT. I've been ill. I've been dehydrated. Et cetera.

So, okay. A moment of sanity. I will do the sprint as originally planned. I don't know what I was thinking. I hate heat. I hate hills. Lubbuck has those in spades.

Now here's the really cool thing I found out this week: after rolling around and sleeping and feeling sorry for myself, I finally uploaded yesterday's run and found out that I'd done six miles with an 11:54 pace. Holy cow, I've never done 6 miles at a pace that fast before! Maybe there's something to this training thing after all...
So, next up: this weekend, the Tri Raider Sprint. It's on Sunday. Baboo is doing the 70.3. I will finish the sprint and float in a cold lake while he (and Pirate, and Debi, and several of our other Outlaw friends) finishes the 70.3.

I may even wear the two-piece. Go, me!


  1. I'm glad you asked your coach about the tri distance. I would have told you what he said. Baboo's heart is in the right place and he believes in you but - you have been sick. Keep it light. Besides, you need a little time alone with your new bikini! ;)

  2. Good job on your 6mile training run!! Nice pace!

    Have fun this weekend. Doing the sprint and floating in the lake...that sounds like a good plan. :)

  3. isn't a tankini tecnically a 2 piece?

  4. Congrats on the bathing suit, I'm sure you'll wear it well.

    Also, congrats on the run pace, that's pretty awesome. Enjoy the sprint and float.

  5. You go girl-you looked fabulous in the 2-piece!
    See you soon.. :)

  6. Go you!

    Yes, apparently useful, these coach people....

  7. Don't forget foreigners like Greyhound. I'll be there too in all my lycra'd up glory for the 70.3.

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Indeed. Go you!

    (I have a training buddy who assures me I could wear a bikini. I assure you I remain unconvinced.)

  9. Good Luck.....To all the other competitors trying to keep up with you on your super fast bike and now with the smokin new run pace...Yeah I see first place in your future.

  10. Sprint races just SCREAM out for two-piece suits!
    (See, there was a good reason that you weren't supposed to do another 1/2 IM this month!)
    Good luck and have fun!

  11. Good job on that run! I know of which you speak with regard to the two piece fact, I got mine out last night, tried it on and promptly put it back in it's rightful place in the closet. Maybe in another month. :)

  12. I just wanted youto know, I think you gave us what baboo gave you. Bigun and I have a bug now. His started around 2 this morning. He's feeling a little better already. Mine started around 10 this mornig. I still feel crummy. totally ruined my bike ride. Thanks for the bug. (lol) ;)

  13. Hell, yeah, race the SPRINT. Two half ironmans in a month is a LOT of training, especially when you've been sick.

    We all know that you could make it happen but you have higher IM goals. Keep the A Race in the sites.

    And have fun at the sprint!

  14. Good luck and have fun! We look forward to your report and the photos of you in the 2-piece! The real question is, what will BigUn do with the photos?

  15. I put on my first two piece ever this year. Of course, I wrapped a towel around myself and jumped in the water so one was quiet sure what happened....but still I did it! WEAR IT!

  16. Go for it and have a grat week-end. You'll feel better after the sprint and there will be less risk of an injury

  17. Which ever event you choose you will rock!

  18. I bought 3 two piece suits this year for the first time since high school. So far I have only worn them in the hot tub in the back yard but it has been on outsied tchnically.


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