Sunday, December 07, 2008

In Which I Am A Team Player

So that THAT, Mrs. Eikin*

Wednesday I was sitting around, wistfully wishing that I could participate in this weekend's Jingle Bells triathlon. It's about 2-1/2 miles from my front door.

I emailed Cindy and Courtney and effectively drafted them to do this relay with me, and they were quick to let me know that they didn't want to do the swim. It was like they raced to yell "NOT IT!" but I was fine, because I wanted to do the swim.

Cindy kicked ass with a 28-something minute 5k run, Courtney did the VERY difficult, hilly 18 mi bike, and I swam the 400 meter in 8:57. I have to say that this may be the best way to do a triathlon if you are under trained...the best way to do one is not to do one.
or more accurately, don't do the whole one. I'm totally fine with doing the swim.

Courtney, who is not supposed to run right now (owing to having blown her knee out while swimming, and I'll let her explain that if she chooses to do so), and I discussed even doing a team sometime where I run and swim, and she bikes, which of course results in far less glory but would be my dream event.

*Mrs. Eikin was my third grade teacher. One of many who used the word, "but" in my report card. You know what i mean. "Misty is a delight in the classroom...BUT her achievement would improve if she would...( choose one:) sit still...stop drawing all the time...visit less with her attention...
...also, it should be noted that although Misty gets along well and has many friends, she is not a team player. When working on group projects, she is often bossy and will frequently insist on doing all the work..."

Annoying happening of the day: Terry, DOGS do NOT BELONG IN THE WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM!!

Teamwork is kinda fun. Who knew?

RESULTS: 3rd place female team, at a very fun little triathlon, their inaugural one. My only two suggestions would be that marshals keep spectators from wandering in and out of transition during the race, looking at people's stuff, getting in the way while they take pictures of their friends...and maybe the water doesn't have to be warm enough to make tea (it wasn't in danger of freezing).

Also, Pirate's mom was there, doing her third event, and winning her age group. Kick ass. She looked unbelievably fresh coming off the run, and had so much energy coming out of the pool that the guy taking the chips had to chase her down to catch her!



  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Sounds like you guys had a great time!

  2. I had a blast! And I'm all for cycling if you don't want to. I prefer it.

  3. Good job! My husband did a tri as a relay once and watching what fun they had was what got me interested. I'm glad it was a fun experience for you.

  4. Misti, I wanted to let you know how nice it was to meet you today! As I said, your blog is a real inspiration for me. Hope to see you at some events in the future!


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