Thursday, March 19

Irrelevant and unrelated stuff.

1. Window strikes. We have a big picture window in the back of the new house. It faces the foothills. It also reflects the sky, if you happen to be flying toward the house, as one unfortunate bird apparently was:
I allowed myself a laugh the first time because there wasn't a little feathered body lying on the patio; most were just a bit stunned and flew away. Then came the fateful day, a tiny lifeless body on the patio, and I hung wind chimes in front of the window. No more bird dust on the window, no more bodies, I keep my view.

2. Spoiled. I just can't come to this salon any more. It's too casual. It's a 45 minute drive to listen to people people yelling jokes to each other and screaming babies whose mommies weren't willing to put off their hair appointment until they could find a babysitter. The low point came when the owner, who was working on my hair, wanted to have the elderly and severely hyperopic shampoo lady do my color while my stylist did other things. (She's also the owner.) How do I know the shampoo lady is hyperopic? Because she did my pedicure once, and there was nail polish all over my toes. I hyperventilated, and she relented, but now begins the ardous journey of finding a new stylist. One who will devote their time to me fully. I have a bad feeling that devoted $tylist$ are more expen$ive than the other kind.

4. Girls Day Out. Last week, DP, SWTriGal, Cindy, and I went to Santa Fe for a girl's day out. It was close to my 44th birthday and I wanted to celebrate. We spent the morning at 10000 Waves, where we soaked in a hot tub in the snow in the mountains outside Santa Fe. Naked TriChicks in a hot tub! No, there are no naked tri-chick hot-tub pictures. Afterwards, I got my very first facial. I felt like I'd been dipped in valium. Now, of course, I'm thoroughly spoiled.

5. New shoes. I didn't buy these Borns last fall, and I've been thinking about them ever since. I couldn't get them off my mind. But that's not what makes them important.
What makes them important is that I'm wearing heels, with jeans, which I swore I would never do until I was a size 4. I'm not a size 4. I'm a size 12. And I'm wearing heels with jeans. Heel with Jeans. As long as I stay away from mirrors, I can teeter around feeling that I'm a size 4 and lanky.

6. I'm registered for Ironman St. George, 2010. Ulp. The interesting part will be getting iron-distance swims in during the winter.



  1. Ironman St. George, 2010!!!!! You rock!

    BTW, get a new stylist, that attention thing is very important to me too.

  2. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Nice work bird-proofing the window. Heels + jeans = excellent choice! The hunt for a new stylist may be fraught with uncertainty, but will pay off.

    IM St. George!!!! I look forward to following your journey.

  3. Love the shoes!

    Congrats on IMU! I see a lot of lap swimming in your future! Learn to love the black line!! Ugh!

  4. Oh gawd. I just found my stylist is pregnant and not even sure she'll return to work once she has the baby. So, I'm looking too. I feel for you, really I do.

    Heels and jeans make you LOOK lanky even if you're not. Wear them together as much as possible!

  5. Nice shoes...
    IMSG huh?
    Better you than me!

  6. ooooh, sad about the bird. Good on ya for hanging the wind chimes.
    Pretty shoes and definitely with the jeans.

  7. I think I'm one of the few who is not registered for IMUT (which sounds so wrong. IM Ute?)

    I am 5'2" and have been a size 12 so you must be looking great these days. You deserve the heels.

    Good job on the bird deterent.

    Doing any IM distance training for a May 1 race is going to be tough. That has some bearing on why I'm not registered. That and money and the fear factor and a few other things.

  8. Congrats on signing up for IMU.

    We have a similar window and unfortunately it is in the path of where the hawk likes to chase poor unsuspecting birds. Its nasty when you can see the expression on the poor bird's face in the window.

  9. too funny about the birds, (well, for most part anyway) and congrats on signing up for an im! woo hoo!

  10. I go to Fusion Hair and Skin at 2nd and Central, Downtown. It's small -- 2 or 3 stylists and classy. Not too pricey, and they don't pawn you off on someone else. I love it there.

    And, I swear I just thought of this as I was typing and it's not the reason I recommended it to you, but if you go to Deborah, tell her you heard about her from Robyn Vines, because every so often I get a free haircut for referring people to her. As you can imagine, free haircuts are great!

    It was fun coming across the blog of a fellow Albuquerquean.

  11. I've seen bird prints like that on the windows at work. Sad, but they do leave a pretty design behind on the window.

    Wish I could have joined you all at 10,000 waves. sigh.


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