Wednesday, March 25

Training, again. And other stuff.

Now that everything seems to be happy and healed (feet, ankles, tibia, IT Band, et cetera) I'm easing back into the training again. 

For now, I'm going to try to ride twice a week, getting used to being in the saddle again, and running 2-3 times a week, getting my legs used to being on pavement for one of those runs. The running is oh, so slow. I did a 10K pavement run on Monday, the longest p
avement since December, walking about 1/4 of it. My average pace was apalling, but it was faster than it's been in a long time.

What's great is that it's so much easier now.  Within a mile of the new house is a paved running path, a boulevard with wide, clean shoulders, and clean,
 dry, dirt running paths. Most of it is hilly, too. As a good friend says, I hate the hills, but love what t
hey do for me. 

My new training ride includes an extended 6 mile climb, and
 I'll be doing that often to get ready for IM-UTE. Here's the profile for that -->

I was planning a ride last night, but put it off because Baboo was gone Tuesday night. Why is that relevant, you ask. Well, I'm still getting used to the new house noises.  So about 11 pm, the cats knocked something over, and I was awake and paranoid and convinced that someone was trying to break in, and spent the rest of the night mostly awake, staring at the bedroom doorway, waiting for the intruder who was certainly in the house to kill me. Every creak and whisper in the house was my murderer, waiting to sneak up on me.

The next day, my normal bike day, I was exhausted all day - I even had that exhausted twitchy eyelid thing going -- so that by 3 pm I was ready to grab 
all my sugarless energy drink mix and pour it straight into my mouth like pixie stix powder. I complained to Baboo, who soon enough was home, as he said, to protect me against cats, plates, and things that go bump.
 I was exhausted and fell into bed which seems more like home with Baboo in it.  So no ride. See, it's all related.

Baboo brought this piece of art back from his trip --> 

(He may be a big tough ironman, but he's sentimental, too. ) 

The picture doesn't really do it justice.  

<-- Here's what it says in the middle, and you'll see why it's such a great piece for a couple of brand-new empty-nesters.  (There's more like it at

Here's another writing by the same artist that I thought was also especially appropriate for an endurance sports couple:

You may not remember 
the time you let me go first

Or the time you waited 
at the crossroads for me 
to catch up.

You may not remember 
any of those, but I do
& this is what I have to say to you:

today, no matter what it takes, we ride home together.

5 days to my endocrinologist appointment. I've heard he's nice.  I wonder if he gets hypothyroid patients as hyperactive and random as me.



  1. "You may not remember
    the time you let me go first
    Or the time you waited
    at the crossroads for me
    to catch up.
    You may not remember
    any of those, but I do
    & this is what I have to say to you:
    today, no matter what it takes, we ride home together"

    I love it! Thank you for sharing that..
    Happy endo-trippin'
    Looking forward to the report..

  2. I love Brain Andreas & StoryPeople. I went to college in Decorah, IA where they have their studio and their stuff is amazing! I love the quote you found for endurance athletes - so very appropriate. :)

    Keep it up, love the blog!

  3. My 9th grade boyfriend was from Decorah Iowa (his Dad was on sabbatical at Yale) How random is that?

    Storypeople has a daily email they send out. I got on the list thanks to Nytro. Some days it's a real head scratcher but some of them are quite nice and I save them.

    I sympathize with the fear of things that go bump in the night. when I first got separated from my Ex I decided I either had to buck up or marry a Sheriff. I was calling them every couple of days to come rescue me from trees, doors left unlocked and blowing in the wind and that sort of thing.

  4. glad to hear you are getting back into the swing of things! i hope to be there in a few days myself. i love the art piece!! so cute :)


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