Monday, July 11

How can I run if I'm not pissed off?

Running DayRun day. Happy to find that my running was better. I figure my weak areas are the run and the swim, so I work on those and bike a couple times a week. My couch-to-5k plan called for 90 seconds running, 90 seconds rwalk, but I found that I could do 3 or more minutes running. I used my new playlist, and I'm hoping that with repeats I can play it over in my mind while running a race. I was pretty happy to find out that my heart rate wasn't as high as it was last week. Then I ate too much for lunch. [Bad girl! No luna bar!] I'd like to be able to work my way up to running 3 or 4 miles without walking. Now, don't mock me! I've only run once before in my life, during a particularly nasty divorce: overcome with rage, I'd run straight up a hill. But time passes, anger fades, and I stopped running. Now I'm trying to run without being pissed off . I suppose if I have to think there's plenty to think about. After all, I'm a school teacher during a time when two branches of the government are controlled by Republicans. 'Nuff said. I don't do political posts.

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