Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Kids and Cell phones and Dogs, Oh, My

I swam 500 meters today. Not continuously, but with minimal rest intervals. It was exhausting. I'm not used to using these muscles. I had to use every stroke in my repetoir just to finish.
Yes, that is a dog wearing a cell phone. Check this out
So here's my rant for today. About 5 years ago, I noticed that people started taking their kids everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE, even when it's inappropriate. Like Starbucks at 11 pm (Gee, I just don't know why he's so cranky - he's usually not like this!) or to a loud, scary movie when they're 3 years old, for God's sake. Then I noticed cell phones, and I predicted they would become as much, if not more, ubiquitous. People talk on them in the gym, in the locker room, they ring in class. Now I'm making another prediction: dogs. People have, in the past couple years, suddenly felt that they need share their decision to have a pet with the rest of us. They bring them to work, to public outings, you name it. God forbid I should object. I'm just an animal hater if I bring it up.

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