Monday, September 15

Hard Choices.

Reasons to do a sprint tri this weekend:
  1. I'm already signed up for it and paid the entry fees.
  2. We'd have to drive for nearly 6 hours Friday night because the sprint is on Saturday.
  3. It's the first sprint I ever did, and it would be cool to compare my times then to now.
  4. If I do it, I could be Champion Athena again this year.
Reasons not to do the sprint this weekend:
  1. I think I'm developing an overuse injury, and I should rest this leg.
  2. If I don't do it, I can probably still be at least 2nd Athena in the SWCS.
  3. Mini-baboo has an XC meet this weekend, and I could go watch him run.
  4. I've got an Olympic Tri on the 28th, and I should rest and get ready for that.
Hmmmm. I be honest, it makes more sense to stay home this weekend.



  1. I'd vote for skipping it. The deal breaker for me would be the injury. If you make it worse, you may end up skipping a lot more events, which will *not* make you happy.

    Either way, hope you're happy with your decision.

  2. Yep, skip it. You don't want further injury and you probably should rest up since you are doing an Oly in like two weeks.

    Let us know how the Oly goes!!! Good luck!
    Raina :)

  3. I say go watch your kid run and kick butt on the 28th!

  4. Definitely skip it. Rest up for the Oly and cheer on Mini-Baboo at his XC meet!

  5. Maybe an overuse injury...skip it, go watch Mini-baboo run, and take the 6 hours you'd be in the car on Friday night, and hunker down with a good book or movie. That's my vote!!

  6. Yep- don't do it. Driving 12 hours to race for 2 is kind of loony to start with and the injury thing is a deal killer.

  7. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I agree...too many reasons to skip it.

  8. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Sounds like you have a consensus!


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