Is there an Athena division for kitties?
This is Lily. She is now the official Athena Kitty of the household as her doc has decreed that she is overweight. I used to think that, as she was bred for colder climates, she was just mostly fur, even though she nearly squeezes my innards out whenever she walked on me. Denial. Then, the vet visit.
"Oh, you mean she's too heavy?"
"Oh, my goodness, yes!" was the reply.
I never really knew how much to feed our three cats, so I just put down a couple or so cups of catfood each morning in a single bowl, and filled it up when it was empty. Just imagine my surprise when I found out that they're only supposed to get 1/4 cup per cat of food a day. Thereby enabling her overeating and food addiction. Oops.
I don't know why I thought that the cats could be self-monitoring in their eating and/or generous enough to make sure there was enough for everyone. If they were that social, they'd be owning us, and besides, I, who am so much more intelligent than a cat, can't even monitor my own eating much of the time.
I've caught Lily zealously guarding the food dish and hissing at the other, "normal weight" kitties.
So, They are all on a diet. Each night I mix up 3/4 cup of dry cat food mixed with a couple tablespoons of tuna in a covered bowl, and each morning I divide about half that among three bowls and its--MEOW--breakfast time.
Lily, as you might understand, is cranky these days. I've caught her twice batting the other cats away from their bowls so that she can cheat on her diet.
Poor Lily. If only she could have some pumpkin spice kisses. As it is, I'll have to eat them for both of us.
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