Friday, October 17

A non political post.

There are several reasons to be nervous about tomorrow's 50K in Palo Duro Canyon:

1) I haven't done a long run since the New Mexico Marathon on August 31st.
2) I have the mysterious, now-you-feel-it-now-you-don't injury that isn't there, on my left shin. But is. Right now, I don't feel it. I did this morning. Now I don't. No, wait--there it is.
3) The last "extended" kind of event that I did was over a month ago.
4) I've gained 12 pounds total in the last couple of months. So I'm feeling very fat and needy. And kinda whiney.

Ook. Okay, some reasons to feel good about tomorrow:
1) I'm still stubborn; that hasn't changed.
2) I have 11.5 hours to finish.
3) I'm Iron Misty, the GeekGirl, dammit.
4) It's PRACtically SEA level.
5) When you are this far west in your time zone, sunrise is later than if you are on the eastern edge of your tone zone. Accordingly, sunrise tomorrow is about 8 am. Oops. The race starts at 7 am. Did I bring a headlamp? No. Did Baboo the magnificent? Yes.

So here's what I packed. I tend to pack lots of sports nutriton because as a back of the packer, I don't yet trust that most aid stations WON'T run out of food...I packed Honey Nut PowerBars, Power Gels (chocolate and orange tangerine), and Orange Nuun, which I'll carry in my hydration vest.

Race start will be about 45 degrees F, and the expected high is 72, although at the pre-race meeting they say that it could get as high as the low 80s. I'll be wearing my RaceRead Fitness shorts, my pink New Balance 768s, pink Injinji socks, DirtyGurl pink leopard gaiters, pink moeben sleeves, gloves, Patagonia bra/top, L/s running top, Garmin 305, and fleece headband. At race start, I'll be wearing my brooks hoodie, which I hope to leave in my drop bag.
Also in my drop bag: extra gels and power bars, extra top, shorts, socks, and shoes.

carrying: Tylenol (small bottle), ipod, SportsSlick, tp.

Breakfast: 2 "Breakfast to go" bars at 4 or 5 am, with a carmel machiato to wash it down. Then a power bar at 6 am.

So that's it, I guess. Race time is 7 am Texas time. Wootywoot!



  1. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Best of luck! And be careful out there!

  2. Good luck! And listen to your body..and have fun!!

  3. Have a great race! Be strong, hang in there and good karma!

  4. That was very, very detailed.

    You are ready to go! You will be great!

  5. Have fun and stay warm!

  6. You ARE IRON MISTY and you know how to do this stuff
    (although I'm confused that you mention whining as though it was a bad thing?)
    good luck tomorrow

  7. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Good luck

  8. What a coincidence, I gained 12 pounds too! The b*&th at Jenny Craig told me so on Tuesday when I went to start back AGAIN! Of course, I am about a foot shorter than you so I imagine it is ever so slightly more noticeable on my frame.

    Good luck at the 50k! You will rock it and have a great time! I can't wait to read about your adventures!

  9. Dahling - we all know is better to look good than to feel good and you, dahling will look a-fabulous!
    - Fernando

    Have a great day our there. Sounds like whether you are running, jogging or walking it will be beautiful. I hope you have a camera on you. I expect you will do some of each and you will be very happy when you get to the finish line - and you will. Enjoy!

    ps - the bad NSAIDs are celebrex, vioxx and some other one. The OTC stuff is fine.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog =)

    Wow 50K! You're one of those ultrafreak people! I say that in a very friendly way, if I can stay injury free long enough I want to get into ultras too.

    GOOD LUCK tomorrow! Have fun =)

  11. Misty,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I ran my tri this morning. Didn't podium, but I raced my race which is of utmost importance. I will know my official time and placement tomorrow. Enjoy your 50k and post about it tomorrow or after you recover.


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