Friday, March 28, 2008

Another finish line.

I didn't work out yesterday.

In fact, I sat on my a$$ all day from about 8 am until around 6 pm.

At 6pm, I hit 'save' and then attached a file to an email, typed in some email addresses, and then hit 'send'

and so it was...

wait for it...

I submitted my finished thesis. (Finally.)

See, I finished my coursework and passed my comps for this degree in 2006. Then I just waited...and waited...and waited...and finally, I decided, holy cow - if I can do an ultra marathon, and finish an ironman, why can't I write a stupid paper? So this was the week that I finally had marked on my calendar to finish it.

I'm celebrating with much chocolate as I write this. My drug of choice today is the WalGreens bridge mix. Ninety-nine cents of pure milk chocolately goodness. My theory is, if you're really happy and celebrating something, there are no calories.

I don't want to turn into one of those weirdos that makes everything into a sports or running analogy, but I like what David Horton, who ran the the Pacific Crest Trail, said it best:

Everyone can do so much more than they think they can.


  1. Congratulations! So when will you be posting the pic of you with your fancy hood?

  2. Not doing the hood walk thing. I walked the first time I got an advanced degree, and it was an experience that can't be topped. Plus, the ceremony is held in the GYM of the school where I WORK, >ew<

  3. Congrats on submitting your Thesis!

    I'm a closeted eater of Walgreens chocolate covered peanuts (also in the 0.99 cent bag). Nowadays, that is my version of a 'cheap thrill'.

  4. Congratulations Misty..I know this has been the longest race for you!

  5. Congratulations! That's awesome!

  6. Congrats! I love your theory and may adopt it myself. If you're really happy and celebrating, there are no calories. Love it!

  7. congrats, misty! i'm sure it is fantastic!

  8. Anonymous6:11 PM


  9. Yeah!
    Theres nothing wrong with a well placed sports analogy. Way toget your head in the game and cross the fiinish line. (See? there were two of

  10. Congratulations! That is a HUGE finish!

  11. Yes - congratulations - that's huge!

  12. Yeah, alright!! Now think how much more time you'll have for training. You are preaching to this choir, GG.

  13. Congratulations - I know that was a long, tough road.

    And if we, as triathletes can't use sports analogies, what can we use?

    Did I knock that one out of the park?

  14. Kudos to you!!! You can do anything you put your mind to. Great job -what a feeling it must be !!! Celebrate!

  15. You're right. No calories. CONGRATS!!!!!

  16. And more congratulations from me!!

    I remember submitting my thesis: weeks of copying and collating and spiral-binding... to do what you did with one zapped email!!


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