Student A: So, hey, Mrs. P--so, were you like, a hippie back in the sixties?
Student B: Dude. Of course she was a hippie.
Me: Actually, I--
Student B: I mean, LOOK at her. She's like, a vegetarian and stuff.
Student A: Cool. We got a hippie teacher.
Me: But I was born in the sixties. I couldn't have--
(Above: Me and my hippie friends at a showing of "The Spirit of the Marathon" movie.)
Student C: So, like, what about the seventies? Were you a hippie then?Me: Actually, I was in elementary school in the 70s. I'm more of an eighties chick.
Student A: But you like, eat all healthy and stuff.
Me: A lot of people eat healthy. That doesn't make them hippies. I've heard President Bush eats healthy food.
Student B: Dude. Of course she's a hippie. I mean, have you even see the bumper stickers on her car? She's all, "my other car is a bicycle" and stuff.
Me: Actually, that has more to do with--
Student C: Hippie! Hippie!
Student A: And I mean, like, you never wear suits and dresses and stuff like the other teachers.
Me: I wore a suit two weeks ago. i'm wearing a dress right now.
Student A: But that's like, a hippie dress.
Student C: My brother? He had you about four years ago? And he said you had really long hair, all the way down to your butt and stuff when he was in your class. He was all like, "Mrs. P is that hippie teacher, and she's all, 'put your bottles in the recyling bin' and stuff"
Student A: Mrs. P, it's okay that you're a hippie. We still like you.
Me: No, but you see I --
Student B: In fact, it's kinda cool that you're a hippie.
Me: I AM NOT A HIPPIE! I live in a gated community by the golf course!
Blank stares.
Student C: So, did you like, get all on LSD and stuff? and go to that big, you know music thing? With all the mud?
Student B: Dude. Of course she did. She was a stoner. You know she was.
Student A: I can't wait to tell my grandparents that my teacher was a hippie! So did you like, wear tye-dyed clothse and stuff?
(This conversation was even more surreal, considering that this web site seems to have been penned by someone who followed me an Baboo around for year. )