Friday, August 8

Good things.

Mood music. Go ahead and listen to it; I'll explain why soon.

Good things that happened this week:
  • I had several nice runs. I felt fast. Of course, I wasn't fast, but I felt fast. That's a nice feeling. I'm falling into a nice work week routine of running 2-3 times and doing strength stuff afterwards.

  • I found my Garmin! I'd misplaced it after the Ft. Worth run. As it's my third Garmin (I lost the first one and ran over the second one), I know Sweet Baboo was somewhat distressed at the possibility of its loss, although he hid it well. Still, sometimes, I wonder, how often does Baboo have to hide his distress. Is he just working up a huge ulcer because of me? I downloaded the info and found out that I did the run at a 12:09 pace for 25 K. That's almost fast enough to be called "running". (WeightWatchers classifies anything over a ten-minute pace as "jogging".)

  • On a related note, I have now found all the stuff this week that I los tduring July. Yay!

  • I went running with Baboo this morning. My moderate run matched his very slow run, and while running, Sweet Baboo was able to discourse easily on a number of subjects, while I gasped out occasional answers, one or two words at a time.

  • At the end of my 2nd whole week after signing my contract, I now have 9 clients. My goal is a roster of about 25 or so. The secret is to hang out and do intakes which, the other counselors don't like to do, and then assign the client to myself. Bwahaha.

  • I've been doing some dumbbell strength excises about three times a week to strengthen my noodly, weak upper body, and proud to report that this week I graduated to 8-pound weights (from 5-pounders) AND, I can do FOUR WHOLE PUSHUPS. The real ones. No knees.

  • For the first time in a very, very long time, I had no idea what day school started for Mini-Baboo. I had to look it up. Just 9 more months...

  • We're having a good "monsoon season". It's rained about every other day. Our Coral Honeysuckle that nearly died while we were in Idaho is blooming, and the hummingbirds are going crazy around it.

  • I'm getting pretty excited about the Colorado Relay. Have I mentioned the relay? The ten or so of us spread across two vans and 170 miles of Colorado? I don't want to detract from anything our Team Captain has to say about it.

  • So about the video. Well, this song is just stuck in my head, and I'm hoping that by getting it stuck in your head I can exorcise the demon. Good luck!


  1. Fortunately I've never heard that song before so I'm safe although that WAS a little like being RickRolled.

  2. Instant early 90s flashback - I'm so glad I don't know that song! How about 'achy breaky heart' instead, or the Bob the Builder theme? (mwahahaha)

  3. LOL that's great... "he hid it well"... I will be chuckling over that the rest of the night!

  4. I love that SONG and ERASURE!! Thanks for the memories..

  5. I miss Erasure! THANKS for that! I just love 'em! That reminds me to put all 7 of my Erasure cds on my ipod!

  6. I love todays cartoon.

    Don't you love finding stuff you thought was long gone?
    3 Garmins though? Yeah I'd be upset

  7. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I'll admit I'm jealous of your 4 pushups...I can't even do one!

    I need to work on that this winter.

    Lotso good things you have here :)


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